About Us
First, THANK YOU for considering Best Pranks by Mail for your gag gift needs.
Best Pranks By Mail is a veteran-owned and operated company in the United States founded in 2015. We know several prank sites are available for you, and we’re honored you’ve picked us to do your bidding. We are excited and thrilled to bring happiness to your world.
We created this site to make people laugh and put a smile on someone’s face. Please don’t use our service if you intend to use this site to bully, convey hate, or practice malicious behavior. Or send a couple of pranks to yourself to brighten your day!
Best Pranks By Mail is a small family-owned business located smack dab in the middle of the United States. All our pranks are custom-made, and our goal is to be the best dang prank-by-mail company in the world. We do this by providing our customers with top-quality products and extraordinary customer service above and beyond what our competitors offer.
With that in mind, we’d like you to know that our credibility and your trust online mean everything to us. We will never intentionally sell, promote or provide you with something we haven’t tested or used ourselves. We will do everything we can to ensure your prank goes off without a hitch. We don’t want to sell you one gag; we want to be your “go-to” prank store forever.
If, by chance, something goes wrong with the process, please give us a chance to make it right before torching us online. Feel free to contact us anytime with questions, comments, or concerns.
We do very little advertising and understand that word-of-mouth is the best way to grow on the Internet. If we’ve met or exceeded your expectations, please mention or share Best Pranks By Mail with your friends on social media.
Prank you very much,
The Prankster
Disclaimer: The products on this site are meant to be gag gifts for adults. They are designed to create laughter and should not be sent with harmful intentions. Please do not place an order if you believe sending a product from this site could potentially harm someone. You are responsible for using this site for its intended purpose, as a joke.
Stalk Us!
We share stupid stuff and occasionally give away free mail pranks.
Made in the U.S.A.